The main problem that we've seen with big disasters (Hurricane Katrina, Tsunami in Indonesia, Haiti earthquaqe etc) is the first thing that happens. The infrastructure just completely collapses. I would pose the questions: how come we are able to put a special operations force, on the ground, with such great effectiveness to go after military objective(Irak war),and somehow it eludes us to have the same kind of "ready to go" force, that can get in and set up a temporary infrastructure to help out in this type of situation? And not just as a national level, but at an international level. It's stupid not to have that. The UH-T1 is a fictional rescue helicopter, featuring an upgraded UH-60 Black Hawk (entered service in 1979) with a custom RED CROSS paint. Visual wise, it combines the classic american look with an innovative body kit, as it's based on the following Sikorsky prototypes:
Piasecki X-49 is a four-bladed, twin-engined, experimental compound helicopter under development by Piasecki Aircraft. The helicopter utilizes Piasecki's proprietary vectored thrust ducted propeller (VTDP) design and includes the addition of lifting wings. The concept of the experimental program is to apply the VTDP technology to a production military helicopter to determine any benefit gained through increases in performance or useful load.
The X-49A flight demonstrator is being developed with funding from the US Army's Aviation Applied Technology Division to demonstrate the ability to increase the speed of existing helicopters to 200 kt (360 km/h) or more. The flight demonstrator has been updated with a lifting wing taken from an Aerostar FJ-100 business jet. A ring tail has been added and the helicopter drive train modified to accommodate VTDP.
The compound helicopter technology was first demonstrated in trials of the Piasecki 16H-1 and 16H-1A in the early 1960s, when the helicopters were flown at speeds up to 225 mph (360 km/h).
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The Sikorsky X2 Demonstrator is an experimental compound co-axial helicopter under development by Sikorsky Aircraft.
Coaxial rotors are a pair of helicopter rotors mounted one above the other on concentric shafts, with the same axis of rotation, but that turn in opposite directions. This configuration is a feature of helicopters produced by the Russian Kamov helicopter design bureau.
Coaxial rotors solve the problem of angular momentum (the tendency of the helicopter body to begin spinning in the opposite direction to that of the rotors once airborne) by turning each set of rotors in opposite directions. The equal and opposite torques from the rotors upon the body cancel out. Rotational maneuvering, yaw control, is accomplished by increasing the collective pitch of one rotor and decreasing the collective pitch on the other. This causes a controlled dissymmetry of torque.
One other benefit arising from a coaxial design include increased payload for the same engine power - a tail rotor typically wastes some of the power that would otherwise be devoted to lift and thrust, whereas with a coaxial rotor design, all of the available engine power is devoted to lift and thrust. Reduced noise is a second advantage of the configuration - part of the loud 'slapping' noise associated with conventional helicopters arises from interaction between the airflows from the main and tail rotors, which in the case of some designs can be severe. Another benefit is increased safety on the ground; by eliminating the tail rotor, the major source of injuries and fatalities to ground crews and bystanders is eliminated.
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The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is a private humanitarian organisation based in Geneva, Switzerland.
The ICRC has a special job, based on the Geneva Conventions as well as other international law, to protect the victims of international and internal armed conflicts. This includes people hurt in war, prisoners, refugees, civilians, and other non-combatants. But the ICRC is a private organisation. It is not controlled by any government, group of governments or international organisation
It is the oldest organisation within the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and one of the most widely recognized organizations in the world. It is also the most honoured, The ICRC won three Nobel Peace Prizes in 1917, 1944, and 1963.
The original motto of the International Committee of the Red Cross was Inter Arma Caritas ("Amidst War, Charity").